Brunch and Bombs

Episode 65 - I’m in Love With a Church Girl

Summer Allen, Hope Blanding and Jerry Coddington-Blanding Season 2 Episode 65

"I'm in Love With a Church Girl" could be considered a terrible movie, religious propaganda, or both - but the fact that mainstream media bombarded it with bad reviews, and Christian media loved it makes me think it's both.  We're all for freedom of religion here at Brunch and Bombs, so we have to say if this is your thing, you might actually like this movie. It's got an overall wholesome message or whatever, but it's just...not good.  And while the relationship between the two leads follows Vanessa's religious beliefs, I can't say it's very healthy. They both seem pretty unhappy.

I personally took away two things from this movie 1.) Ja Rule's real name is Jeff Atkins (JEFF, y'all) and 2.) This movie was executive produced by God. #blessed