Brunch and Bombs

Episode 64 - Batman and Robin

Summer Allen, Hope Blanding and Jerry Coddington-Blanding Season 2 Episode 64

Batman and Robin is a Brunch and Bombs fave, but it's still just as funny the 5th time as it was the first time we watched it years ago.

George Clooney's stoic portrayal of Batman (even in action-packed, high-adrenaline scenes) is a stark parallel to the over-the-top acting of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Uma Thurman. 

And Chris O'Donnell and Alicia Silverstone, bless their hearts, aren't doing much at all.

With the costumes and the strange gangster-inspired accents, we have to wonder:

"Is this an attempt to go back to the campiness of the original Batman TV series?"

If it is, we like it.

 It just didn't quite work.